Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Non-Existent Attention Span

Lately it’s been hard for me to pay attention to anything.

Everything here is new and the last thing I want to be doing is sitting in class on a beautiful day in Seattle.

I want to be going on a run, exploring, or making even more friends while trying to remember everyone’s names. (Remembering names is not an easy task. Especially when there are hundreds all at once.)

Film class is intriguing—well… kind of intriguing depending on the conversation.

There’s a piano at the front of the room.

Now imagine me paying any attention at all to my professor when a beautiful baby grand piano is just sitting there.

That’s not going to happen. Especially when my fingers itch like they do every time I see a piano.

Today I noticed that the piano was sitting with the keys and bench on the right side.

Hm… That’s odd. On Monday the keys and bench were on the left side. They must have turned the piano to face the other way.

I think that observation proves I’m watching the piano more than I’m watching the professor.

He better come up with some awesome things to talk about so I don't fail.

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