I went on a run with one of the girls from my floor this
morning and after we returned we decided to stretch before we went inside. We were talking about our families and
telling different stories of the pranks we’ve played on them.
It made me realize that there was one I would really love to
It involves my beloved sister Rebecca, who is quite a few
years younger than me, and one of my best friends Aubrey who is now hundreds of
miles from me.
My Mom decided when I was in 5th or 6th
grade that she wanted to redo what we called the “kids” bathroom. The walls were coated with ugly wallpaper
that must have dated back to the 80s. I
can still remember what it looked like, with purple flowers and blue patterns
that vertically lined the wall.

However, there were certain spots that wouldn’t budge. I don’t remember if I went to grab forks from
the silverware drawer or if my Mom provided them for us, but I remember having
the silver utensil in my hand and using it to scrape pieces off the wall.
10 to 15 minutes into the task my younger sister, who must
have been about 6 years old at the time, wandered down the hallway into the
bathroom to see what we were doing.
She stood in the doorway in her blue floral patterned dress
(she was always wearing a dress during that era of her life), and she asked,
“What are you guys doing.”
Aubrey casually answered, “Taking this off because your Mom
wanted us to.”
Rebecca looked as if she didn’t believe us.
I can imagine the mischievous grin that spread over my face,
and Aubrey’s as well, when we decided to step it up a level and see how far we
could push things.
In a sarcastic and impish tone that should have been unknown
to an 11 year old I said, “No Rebecca, actually we are destroying the bathroom wallpaper because we feel like it.”
Aubrey added, “Yeah.”
Before either of us knew what was happening, huge tears
began to swell in Rebecca’s brown eyes and spill over onto the rest of her
face. She ran back down the hall and
down the stairs.
Aubrey and I on the other hand couldn’t stop laughing. We never stopped to contemplate that we might
get in trouble for a teasing lie.
However, within minutes my Mom marched up the stairs, took
our forks away and sent Aubrey home.
Rebecca wasn’t the only one crying after that.
We tried to tell my Mom, “But we told her the truth
before! We were just teasing!” She wouldn’t hear any of it and after Aubrey
was out the door, I was sent to my room.
I don’t remember who took off the rest of the wallpaper
after that. I assume it was my Mom, but
the rest of the details about the bathroom being redone have escaped my memory
I should have been sorry, but I don’t think I really
In fact, when I called Aubrey to discuss the story with her
before I wrote about it we were both laughing all over again.
Good times.
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