I had my second midterm this morning. My first one last night was for art and I’m
pretty sure I did just fine.
I was a much more worried about the midterm this
It was for my freshman film class. It’s a USEM, which means I chose to take it
because I was interested in the topic, even though I hadn’t ever considered
majoring in film production.
Turns out it’s the hardest class I have this
I made myself a huge study guide, I studied with my friends,
I reread sections of the book, and went over all my in class notes. I studied until my eyes were crossed and I
couldn’t anymore.
I studied so much I couldn’t even sleep last night. I ended up lying awake until almost 2 in the
morning, which isn’t that surprising because that’s about the time I go to bed
on a normal night anyway…oh college.
When my alarm went off I was up immediately. I knew I couldn’t dress too casual, but also
not too fancy. If I dressed too casual I
would be tempted to fall asleep. My idea
of extremely casual is a hoodie and sweats/pajama pants, which really gets my
body in the mood to shut off and take a nap. I also
couldn’t dress too nicely because, first of all, I did yesterday, and secondly,
I wouldn’t be comfortable at all.
Thus, I found a perfect “happy medium.”
I pulled out my
favorite pair of jeans, my Sperry’s (best shoes ever), and a sweater that I
kidnapped from my Mom. She doesn’t ever
wear it and I do, so I figured it was only fair. It’s actually one of the best things I have
in my closest. It
would easily fit into the “ugly-sweater” category, but I love it too much to
consider it as such.
Throughout breakfast I was going over facts once more, and
trying to mentally prepare myself for the test.
I wasn’t doing too well. I
continued to get more and more tense until I felt like my brain was detached
from my head… I don’t really know how else to explain it, but it wasn’t a good
By the time I got to the room where I would take my test,
someone could have pushed me over and I would have toppled like a chopped down
tree. I was that tense.
And here’s the weird thing.
Never before in my life had I EVER been that nervous for a test. I think it was partially due to the fact I
had no idea what to expect and I didn’t know if I had studied for it right. Plus there was a ton of information
I had to remember and I didn’t know if I remembered any of it.
My professor handed out the test and I began immediately. There were no multiple-choice questions and
no matching questions—we had to write everything. He gave us ten terms and we had to define all
of them through writing and then write an essay at the end. I was partially peeved…picking only
ten people/movies out of the dozens we had learned about didn’t make me feel like my comprehension on the first half of the quarter was being fully tested.
In a way I wanted to be really mad about it, but I quickly
shoved those feelings aside. Feelings
don’t have a place when it comes to a test.
If anything they make things worse.

If you don’t know me well, you need to know right now that I
love dark chocolate. I usually refuse to eat Hershey chocolate
unless it's dark, and I was immediately appeased by my professor’s kind
On any other day I would have saved the chocolate for later,
or maybe eaten only ½ of it.
Today I ate all of it.
I had successfully made it through my second midterm (my
first official midterm in my opinion) and nothing was going to stop me from devouring
By the time my second class started, it was gone.
And I don’t regret it one bit.
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